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11 items found for ""

  • Help your favorite small business with an LBW Gift Card

    The struggles of a small business are real. A little help from a bystander, loyal customer, close friend, or family can inspire a business owner to try new ideas and promotion methods and even get a new website. Help your favorite small business with an LBW Gift Card; they can use it for our services without limitations. It may become the inspiration they need.

  • What is a Classic Website?

    Every day, I receive requests from potential customers who want a "Classic Website". I wonder if my definition of it is in tune with what the customer is envisioning. Clear expectations are important as we aim to satisfy all of our customers' requests and deliver a product that will meet them, and in most cases go beyond their vision. I asked ChatGPT (AI), and this is what it said: A classic website refers to a type of website design and layout that has been popular for a long time and has a timeless quality to it. These websites often have a simple, clean, and straightforward design, and focus on delivering information in an organized and easy-to-use manner. Classic websites often utilize traditional web design elements, such as header and footer sections, a two- or three-column layout, and simple color palettes. They are also often built with accessibility in mind, ensuring that users with disabilities can easily navigate and access the information on the site. Examples of classic websites include personal blogs, news websites, and small business websites. A Classic Website is one that even though is simple, it does contain all the design features and functionality that will allow online, interactive communication between your business and the visitors. It will have at least five (5) pages, strips, or sections that present your business to the public with a trustworthy image and remarkable branding. It must contain the design elements and functionality to generate trust and opportunity. It must allow your visitors to learn about your products and services in a way that creates interest and provokes interaction with you. My type of Classic Website includes: An impacting home page A descriptive product/services page with a short video A Contact Us page linked to your email address with notifications It is linked to all your social media channels An About US section that truly describes what to be expected from you From this solid foundation, you will be able to expand in size and functionality depending on the scope of your particular business. To learn more about how to get an LBW Classic Website send us your questions.

  • Created with Wix Studio

    Wix Studio is an advanced creation platform for designers and web professionals. The platform combines cutting-edge responsive design with smooth drag and drop. Those who want to can add custom code and use a powerful CMS to build data-driven sites and complex web applications. Both, Wix Editor and Wix Studio offer an unparalleled range of integrated business solutions from a leading eCommerce infrastructure to professional marketing and SEO tools. If your website is not on Wix, you're missing something. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and "Wix Your Page" .

  • New Logo | New Services | Known Solutions

    The new year brings more services for our customers. Use the newly updated contact form to let us know how to assist you. We will review your request and recommend proven business solutions. We are not trying to reinvent the wheel; we'll just make it run better. New Contact Us Form - Click on it to open it!

  • Wix My Page (en Español)

    Si lo que busca son soluciones para su página web o un asunto asociado con la experiencia digital de su negocio, llegó al sitio indicado. Es posible que ha comenzado a construir su página web pero necesita ayuda para terminarla o le faltan algunos detalles. ¡No está solo(a), podemos ayudarle! Estas son las solicitudes más frecuentes de parte de nuestros clientes: ​¿Cómo puedo verificar el listado de mi negocio en el internet (SEO)? Presiona aquí. ¿Podrías rediseñar mi pagina web ? ¿Podrías transferir mi URL y pagina web a Wix? ¿Puedes ayudarme con mi SEO ? Necesito un formulario en línea para recibir información de mis clientes. Necesito configurar mi tienda online . ¿Comencé una página web, la podrías terminar por mi ? Entre ventas y trabajo de oficina, no tengo el tiempo para cuidar mi página web, ¿podrías atender y administrar mi pagina por mi? Necesito hacer unas modificaciones simples pero no se como. Necesito crear páginas en Youtube, Facebook, y/o Instagram ¿Cuál es la mejor pagina social para mi negocio? ¿Cómo invito a LBW como administrador para mi página Web ? ​La respuesta sencilla es que podemos ayudarle con todo lo anterior. La siguiente pregunta más frecuente es "¿Cuánto cuesta?". Para obtener más información sobre nuestros precios y los servicios que incluye vea la tabla de Ofertas "BUNDLED" . ​ Comparta con nosotros lo que desea lograr con su página; comencemos la conversación para desarrollar su plan de trabajo y enviarle una cotización formal que lo ayudará a decidir si somos la solución adecuada para su proyecto. No dude en comunicarse con sus preguntas. ​ A sus ordenes, Luis

  • Free SEO Evaluation

    Hi, My name is Luis from LBW Business Solutions. I've been working with Wix for a few years now; I constantly receive referrals for SEO Services from the Wix Marketplace. Why Wix? Wix provides numerous tools to create a beautiful website, however, all of its content and SEO setup needs to be optimized to obtain the best results. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) configuration is the first step towards getting more visitors to your website. To evaluate your current setup we can generate a detailed SEO report of your website. It will identify specific areas that need attention to improve organic results when customers search for your products or services. Next, you will have the option to make the changes yourself or hire us. This report is the most important step before you start designing your Social Media Optimization (SMO) strategy in combination with Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, blog postings, and more. For us to be able to complete the free SEO evaluation you will need to invite us as a Contributor/Admin to your Wix account, it's an important & simple step that will allow us to complete the SEO report that will place you on the right path. This Free SEO audit is an LBW Business Solutions exclusive offer, let us know if you have any questions. See how to invite in the video below.

  • Choose LBW as your website Admin

    Why LBW? In 1981, I started working as an illustrator for the US Army. Back then, we did not have all the fancy software tools at our disposal today, but we did have some cool ones that allowed us to get the job done. My job required that I create numerous digital communications networks, "Bubble Charts" in thirty-inch cardboard posters, using a drafting table equipped with a mechanical arm that held a fountain pen with "Chinese" ink at the tip. Using a stencil ruler, a square, and other manual gadgets, I painstakingly drew every single one with the patience of a monk and surgeon-like precision. A dot out of place or an uneven line meant redoing the whole chart; no Undo button or drag-and-drop was available back then. My old-school designing experience taught me valuable lessons that I apply to everything I do today; quality will not be compromised. Today, we have access to many digital tools, such as the Wix platform, to create experiences only limited by your inspiration. Add to it the many available applications and the customization that coding lets you build; an integrated, easy-to-use, ever-growing platform allows the business owner to design and deliver an unforgettable experience to all connected customers. Your website may become a revenue-generating tool representing your business 24/7 and inspiring new and current customers to trust your brand. We can help you achieve that goal. "Your website may become a revenue-generating tool that will represent your business 24/7 and inspire new and current customers to trust your brand" For that reason and many others, you can trust that we will deliver a product of visual quality, detailed design, and revenue-generating functionality. Let us collaborate in shaping your vision. Lets "Wix Your Page!" To find out more, CONTACT US . LBW Business Solutions "Take control of your future!"

  • The 12+ errors to avoid when designing your website

    While it is true that in Wix you will have access to pre-made templates, content, applications, SEO configuration, blog capabilities, email options, etc. it is your responsibility to set it up and maintain it. Here is a guide that lists some common mistakes that may happen while building your website. 1. Buying the wrong domain name - You should choose a domain name (URL) that is easy to remember and related to your business. This URL will set the path for everything else you do from that point on. Note: When you purchase a Premium Plan on Wix, the domain name is free. However, if the name you are looking for is in high demand, I recommend you purchase it as soon as possible. It only takes a few clicks to purchase it. 2. Creating a complicated logo - Your logo should represent your service and reputation. A logo for a lawyer is very different from a logo for a shoe store. Note: Your logo should be memorable but simple. 3. Allowing Wix Ads on Your Website - As long as the website has a free subscription, Wix or participating partners will advertise on it. Complete the upgrade to remove unwanted ads and be able to assign an official and unique domain name. Note: People will respect your business more if you have a custom URL. 4. Posting images of low or no quality - An image says more than a thousand words, good and bad. Your photos must always be of high quality. Note: High-quality photos are available from Wix for free and at a low cost. 5. Not having a Blog - The Blog will be your Website's best friend and will help you create a loyal customer base who will visit it and invite others to visit, making them your digital word-of-mouth. Well-written articles published on your blog will help your website to be discovered in organic Google searches. Note: Link the articles on your Blog to other internal articles for enhanced SEO. 6. Not using "ALT Text" in your images - All images on your website must have descriptive and informative ALT Text. This will help you in SEO and also comply with other regulations. Note: "ALT Text" helps your images to be discovered in Google "Images". 7. Not connected to social networks - One of the biggest mistakes is not enabling social links on your website that connect with social networks. If the visitor can jump from your website to your social page, they will be able to learn about your services and products in a more friendly and familiar environment and share it with their followers. Note: Include at least 3 social links like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube . 8. Unclear messaging - Your message should be coherent, short, and clear. Much verbiage discourages any visitor and will leave your website immediately. The Font is also important and you should limit it to a total of two, no more than three Fonts on the entire website. Note: In many instances, less is more. 9. Incomplete mobile configuration - Be sure to complete the mobile configuration of your website. Wix offers an elegant mobile setup, it even looks like an app when you open it on your phone. Note: 70% or more of your visitors will use a mobile device to reach your website. 10. Not including reliable contact information - Your contact information should be prominently featured in your header, footer, and contact page. This adds to organic SEO results and allows the visitor to communicate with you through other means. Note: Your phone number is actionable in mobile format. 11. Unclear “branding” - The description of the type of service you offer should be included in your heading. It should also include an "About Us" section to effectively introduce yourself to your visitors. Note: Talk about your beginnings, who you are, where you are going, and why you are the best. 12. Failure to complete your SEO - This is a big mistake. Without SEO you will not be found on the internet nor will you be able to connect the website effectively with Google. An SEO strategy starts with the right SEO configuration. Note: SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and allows free organic results when people search for services like the one you offer. This is what it looks like when your website is SEO optimized . 13. Not having a presentation video - Video is the most efficient way to convey a message. A 30-second video on your website will create interest and increase the visit time. Your creativity is the limit. Note: Wix includes a tool for creating and editing videos for social media. 14. Choosing the wrong online store app - Wix offers different online store alternatives, directly from Wix or through its partners. Choosing the right store before setting up inventory will save you a lot of time and work. Note: There are online stores for general items and apps designed for restaurants. For stores with little inventory, the Gallery Pro app can be used with purchase buttons. 15. Not asking for help - While it is true that you are able to learn to work on your website, you will quickly realize that you cannot dedicate the necessary time to complete all the tasks needed to be effective and produce the results that you want. Creating a website is time-consuming and will distract you from other functions in your business. Set aside a budget to promote, virtually socialize, and keep your website optimal. "Hiring a Certified Wix expert is money well spent." An LBW Happy Customer 16. Not using Automations and Workflows - These are very useful tools to promote your business, maintain contact with your clients, connect to social networks, and other administrative functions. Note: Create a "template" of a new service that you are going to offer (Automation) and schedule its launch when someone registers on your website (Workflow). 17. Not using the "Lightbox" - This is a free tool that you can use to highlight a specific and focused message to your visitors. It is the equivalent of a custom pop-up that can be used to your benefit. Note: Encourage visitors to register to receive notifications and information about your services. 18. Not having a Privacy Policy - It is necessary to publish a Privacy Policy that explains what you do with the information you receive from your customers. Note: To collect money online and serve European customers (GDPR) it is required to publish a Privacy Policy. 19. Not Updating ALT Text - Although the visitor does not see the ALT text contained on the website, Google does read it when prospective customers search the internet. Note: ALT Text must be updated on all images on your website. 20. Not talking the talk - Clear communication between technical partners and customers is important. For example, terms like the page, the website, and the landing page are often used to refer to the “website" but they are not the same. Make every effort to include content that is transparent and easy to understand. Note: A website is a collection of pages, sections, applications, and tools that are used correctly, to create a virtual place to connect, captivate, and help your customers. Also known as your web experience . There is always room for improvement. If you need assistance in completing a detailed audit of the configuration of your Wix website, get in touch with us . We build web experiences that work for you!

  • Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!

    We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your Wix Blog. Blogging from Your Wix Blog Dashboard On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more. To head to your Dashboard, open the Wix Editor and click on Blog > Posts. Blogging from Your Published Site Did you know that you can blog right from your published website? After you publish your site, go to your website’s URL and login with your Wix account. There you can write and edit posts, manage comments, pin posts and more! Just click on the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) to see all the things you can do. #bloggingtips #WixBlog

  • Grow Your Blog Community

    With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog comes with a built-in members area - so that readers can easily sign easily up to become members of your blog. What can members do? Members can follow each other, write and reply to comments and receive blog notifications. Each member gets their own personal profile page that they can customize. Tip: You can make any member of your blog a writer so they can write posts for your blog. Adding multiple writers is a great way to grow your content and keep it fresh and diversified. Here’s how to do it: Head to your Member’s Page Search for the member you want to make a writer Click on the member’s profile Click the 3 dot icon ( ⠇) on the Follow button Select Set as Writer

  • Design a Stunning Blog

    When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out our essential design features. Choose from 8 stunning layouts Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts. From your blog's settings, choose the layout that’s right for you. For example, a tiled layout is popular for helping visitors discover more posts that interest them. Or, choose a classic single column layout that lets readers scroll down and see your post topics one by one. Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers can easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter and view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. Add media to your posts When creating your posts you can: Upload images or GIFs Embed videos and music Create galleries to showcase a media collection Customize the look of your media by making it widescreen or small and easily align media inside your posts. Hashtag your posts Love to #hashtag? Good news! You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag? People can use your hashtags to search through content on your blog and find the content that matters to them. So go ahead and #hashtag away!

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  • Wix Certified Trainer Badge
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  • Wix Expert Badge

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